
Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Platform Nation’s Games Of The Year: PlayStation 3

That’s right my fellow PlayStation 3 fans, another year of triple A title releases and gaming is coming to a close, and it is time for us here at P*N to tell you what we thought of it all. It can be a difficult task to determine a game of the year, especially when you have so many great titles being released all throughout; earlier titles can easily slip away and be forgotten in the animal soup of time. After reviewing the long list of possible contenders, our writing and editing staff have cast their votes and come up with a top three list for each major console or peripheral, along with a overall top ten list that we will be revealing at the end. Today, I have taken a break from studying for finals (and a little bit of Skyrim) to bring you our top three picks for the Sony PlayStation 3. So without further adieu, lets get started.

1. Portal 2

After the huge success of the original, the geniuses over at Valve (the brilliant minds behind 2004′s Half Life 2) brought us the second installment to their unique first person puzzle game back in April. Aside from attracting one of the largest cult followings in gaming today, Portal 2 featured a lengthy campaign mode that was full of Aperture Science history and engaging environments, along with a memorable co-op multiplayer experience. I have seen more chicks dressed up as Chell at gaming conventions than any other character this year (and some of them weren’t bad looking either).

Valve had Ellen McLain return as the comical and beloved voice of GLaDOS, but the studio also managed to keep the game fresh with new puzzle types and game mechanics, such as the different colored gels/goo. As an added bonus, the PlayStation 3 version came with a free PC and Mac version of the game for you to link up with your Steam account; which is part of the reason we picked Portal 2 for this category. If you haven’t played through Portal 2 yet, then you have been living under a rock. Or you just don’t like video games… which begs to question why you would be reading this.

2. Little Big Planet 2

Speaking of games that came out earlier in the year, we haven’t forgotten the sequel to Media Molecule’s platforming sandbox, Little Big Planet 2, which came out back in January. This second installment brought some great additions to the world of LBP, such as 2-D side scrolling options, vehicles, grappling hooks, move support, plus options which allowed players to create their own complete games, rather than stand alone levels. Little Big Planet 2 also brought along the three million plus player designed levels from the original game for fans to enjoy and expand on. While personally, I have never been interested in spending countless hours creating content for others to play through, this option is what not only makes the Little Big Planet games unique, it also adds to its lasting value. Most gamers today (including myself) fail to be captivated by titles that involve little more than moving across the screen and pressing one button to jump over gaps, dodge obstacles, or land on top of an enemy’s head, but the constant flow of levels being added every day to Little Big Planet 2 by the community makes it one of those games you can keep around forever. You would be amazed by what some people have been able to create in that game.

Aside from the level design and lasting value, the game was also a lot of fun, the graphics were just as impressive as before, and the campaign mode even seemed to have at least a mild sense of continuity to it. If you own a PlayStation 3, the Little Big Planet games are a must have that I would only place below God of War III and the Uncharted series. Plus, it can be a great game to sit and play with your significant other. There aren’t many couch games these days, but this can still be counted amongst the few.

3. Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

Naughty Dog, the creators of Crash Bandicoot and Jak, have been one of the top in the industry ever since their first release of the original Uncharted. People love to hate on the generic, always fearless, unrealistic, B-movie style character of Nathan Drake, but there is simply no denying that these games are a blast to play. For those of you that read my review back in early November, you know fully well that this game blew me away. Each new installment in the Uncharted series has brought us incredible visuals that create a cinematic experience rarely seen in video games, an addictive style of gameplay, powered by cutting edge game design and mechanics. Everything from the game’s trademark physics, to the new 3-D visuals are all standing firmly on the bleeding edge of your PS3′s capability.

Uncharted 3 brought together everything from the previous games and refined it into one of the most engaging and jaw dropping single player and multiplayer experiences of the year. Infamous 2 made a decent splash in the PlayStation community, but Uncharted 3 went for the fat boy cannon ball that would have made Patrick Renna proud. There is a lot of fun to be had with this game, and the visuals are something that every gamer should see first-hand.

That is it for the P*N PlayStation 3 picks; if you have anything you would like to add, please feel free to add it in the comments. What would have been your first pick? We love to hear from everyone out there in our community, so don’t be shy. It has been a great year, and we at P*N would like to thank you for being a part of it with us. United we game.

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